Online Team League Streaming Policy

We encourage World Riichi Online Team League participants to livestream and/or share video content of their games or of spectating teammates on stream. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure the event is a positive experience for all participants.

General Guidelines
-Use the RonRon game category when streaming the Online Team League on Twitch either as a player or as a spectator.
-You are responsible for obtaining any necessary third-party permissions for music shared on your stream while playing. We ask that you don’t use copyrighted contents without permission.
-Absolutely no gambling is allowed in this event. Do not allude to gambling while streaming.
-No obscene, violent or immoral images shall be displayed on your screen while streaming.
-Refrain from slander of any kind.
-Refrain from any speech or acts that would be considered discriminatory to others.
-We ask that you avoid any NSFW images on your screen when streaming this event.
-Do not disrepute WRC, RonRon, professional organizations or teams involved in this event or otherwise.
-Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations and the streaming site’s terms of service while streaming this content.
-In the event we find that your content while streaming this event is hurtful to participants, brands, or other groups we will issue a warning and may ask you to refrain from streaming the remainder of the event. 

When Streaming Games you Play
-All play should be streamed on a 5-minute delay, or with your own hand hidden and minimal discussion of its contents to keep the integrity of the event
-Be respectful of all participants, teams and organizations
-Maintain a sportsmanlike behavior regardless of the outcomes of games
-Although we all understand feeling frustration toward the game, refrain from any derogatory comments regarding the play or integrity of your opponents

When Streaming Games as a Spectator
-Refrain from any derogatory comments regarding the play of any participants